Level Up Life & Career Coaching

Level Up Life & Career Coaching is dedicated to helping people live the most rewarding, happy, and prosperous life possible.

Copywriter, Graphic Designer, and Web Developer

(April 2024 - July 2024) – Contract

Developed the website, wrote copy, and designed digital assets to establish Level Up Life & Career Coaching as an official business.

Work and Results

Branding and Logo Creation

  • Designed a set of logos and a brand kit that illustrates the mission of the business and appeals to the organization’s target audience.

Graphic Design and Web Development

  • Built a website structured with various graphic and written elements to boost the online visibility of the business and SEO rankings.

  • Created a workflow to efficiently forward website leads to necessary internal stakeholders.


  • Wrote headline and body copy to accurately describe the services provided by a life and career coach from an experienced perspective.

  • Utilized AI tools to quickly learn more about the industry and ensure the website’s writing style is appropriate and effective.

LinkedIn Profile Setup

  • Established company LinkedIn profile allowing employees to maximize brand awareness on the primary professional development social media platform.

“Ethan designed my website from start to finish. His attention to detail and ability to communicate with clarity and precision made the entire process seamless and a truly fun collaboration. I will continue to utilize his skills on many future projects.”

Michael Teicher

Founder, Level Up Life & Career Coaching

Build your brand through innovative marketing strategies and professional media production